Exercise - How Moving Helps More Than Your Body

body mind Feb 29, 2024


Move your body! It reduces inflammation which is the root cause of most chronic diseases. It helps your cardiovascular health, improves brain function, helps balance hormones, improves digestion and keeps depression far away! Overall it makes you a happier and healthier person.


­­­­­­­Many people may be unaware that your mood is completely related to your breath.

Anytime you get angry, watch your breath, it’s shallow and fast. If you want to change your mood, change your breath.

Its a secret that the fastest way to come out of a sad mood is to go for a jog. Agreed, that when you are in a sad mood, the laaaaaast thing you want to do, is jog!! One just loves to roll around in the sadness and continue the “poor me” mindset, isn’t it?

But now that we know this , maybe next time, just go out for a walk and then try to walk faster, watch your breathing more and more and see if you can alter your breathing pattern. Watch your mood become better as the breathing becomes deeper. Feel the air on your face. The spring in your step. The sun outside. The trees and plants around you. The children playing in the park. The doggies running happily. The birds chirping. Be present. ….And break into a run. Even if you run for 10 seconds, its good. It’s actually great!! Start somewhere. Start today. Empower yourself to be the master of your happiness. Exercise!!!!!!!!!!


Did you know that working out regularly helps your hormones? Most people believe that exercise is needed only to shed pounds/kilos. Not so.

Working out regularly is critical for endocrine health, as it can help balance hormones like cortisol, insulin, thyroid hormones, and your sex hormones. New research is indicating that there may be some kinds of exercise that are better for you than others.

What kind of exercise is needed for you?

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