Getting Healthier with Juice Capsules
Let me start by telling a story…
My husband had a recurring cough and we asked him to get it checked out. He thought it was allergies or just lack of humidity in the winter air. He had driven down to the urgent care for what we all thought was a routine check up. He called from there to say that they asked him to drive nearby to the hospital to get it checked out.
When the phone rang later that evening I felt immediately as if my heart stopped. It was the hospital saying he had 4th stage cancer and that it looked like the end. How ironic I thought as my daughter had done cancer research for 8 years. All her knowledge and mine combined with expertise in chronic disease wasn’t helping him. I looked at my daughter and my next thought was, ‘I never want her to face this harsh reality again.’
We wished we had known about delivering massive amounts of antioxidants in this form earlier.
If you have ever wondered how to keep your family healthy, then you know how I felt in that moment when I recommitted to my own health and the health of all those I serve around the globe.