Diabetes has become a common household name, a disease that kills millions of people globally. People of all ages, races and genders are affected by it. It spares no one. India is considered the Diabetes capital of the world mainly due to our poor food choices, our sedentary lifestyle as well as daily choices which are misaligned with the natural rhythm of a healthy body. What is Type 2 Diabetes? Can you reverse Type 2 Diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is actually a lifestyle disorder and an illness due to dietary mismanagement. This leads to an inflammatory condition in the body. When inflammation remains unaddressed for an extended period of time, it appears as disease. This means that the kind of lifestyle you live and dietary habits you follow play a huge, HUGE role in how you manifest and then manage the disease. Most people believe that diabetic medications are for a lifetime. However, impressive scientific discoveries in the last five years have given leading edge doctors from around the world great success in treating thousands of diabetic cases.


Our Coaching Program focuses on

  • Addressing the root cause of your condition
  • Guiding you on every single lifestyle change possible
  • Helping you to repair your body/organs at the cellular level
  • As your metabolism becomes more balanced, you will automatically lose weight, get more energy, and feel much more active and happier
  • Observing your progress, your physician may decide to reduce or completely eliminate your medications
  • You will be able to maintain your new weight and new lifestyle after the program and manage your life holistically in the future

The Key Benefits of the Thyroid Management  Program

This program is designed to improve, manage and possibly reverse diabetes, especially Prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes. We use a four pronged approach. Each is as important as the legs of a table.

Holistic Approach

Guiding you on increasing awareness of your body, mind and spirit. How they are connected and how they impact your overall health. Key four pronged focus areas:
  • Balanced Nutrition
  • Quality Sleep
  • Adequate Exercise
  • Mental/Emotional Well-Being

Three month Meeting Details:

● 7 (one-on-one phone calls of 45 minutes each  (3 calls within first month, 2 in following month and 2 within last month) 

● Constant email support Monday – Friday, via email 

from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. USA Eastern Standard Time

● All time zones around the world supported as needed. 

● Our office is off on weekends and public holidays/there are no emergencies since we are addressing only chronic conditions.



● We create a customized plan for you after studying your current lifestyle, health history and goals.

● Lose Weight and Reset your Metabolism – Weight loss is impossible unless you know the key hormones to evaluate and treat. The secret to long lasting and sustained weight loss is putting together all the pieces of the puzzle.

● Customized food plans are created  taking into consideration your schedule, location, allergies, health needs etc.

●Supplement recommendations are suggested based on your symptoms, health requirements and lab tests. We will guide you in using the RIGHT supplements and nutrients – some  Supplements will be a required and necessary step to a complete healing program. We target supplements only at the underlying deficiencies /cause of your health issues.  We do not sell or supply supplements. You can buy them yourself at any pharmacy you wish.

● Supplement timing /including which supplements to take first for best results and how to shape your supplement regimen over time to achieve optimum health.

● Weekly detox days are shared as required to help support your body’s repair mechanisms, thus ensuring consistent improvement in health.


Everyone is asking nowadays – How to get rid of diabetes? Does diabetes go away? – The answer is YES. It has been found that unlike the previous understanding about the treatment of diabetes, today with effective lifestyle management strategies, understanding how food affects your body and with appropriate exercise and mind management many people have lost tremendous weight and stayed that way. Many have completely come off of their medication and for others reducing medicine dosages has become a distinct reality.

Our Diabetes Coaching Program is an  integrated holistic program which after a wellness check-up for adults, systematically investigates and addresses your body’s deficiencies, improves nutrition, reduces inflammatory levels,improves sleep patterns, improves holistic health (body/mind/spirit) to enable you to lose weight effectively from the comfort of your own home.  You need to be ready, sincere, committed and determined to do whatever is required to conquer this disease and live a happy healthy and enjoyable quality of life.