Chronically exhausted?
Cold hands and feet?
Poor digestion?
Mood swings?
And many others.


Our Coaching Program focuses on

  • Addressing the root cause of your condition / symptoms.
  • Guiding you on every single lifestyle change possible.
  • Helping you to repair your body/organs at the cellular level.
  • As your metabolism becomes more balanced, you will automatically get more energy, and feel much more active and happier. If you are overweight your weight will balance out not because of a weight loss program, but due to the hormones becoming balanced.
  • You will be able to maintain your new energy level and new lifestyle after the program and manage your life holistically in the future.

The Key Benefits of the Thyroid Management  Program

This program is designed to improve your current condition and help you to achieve vibrant health. If followed well, you may see many more benefits that those you hoped to achieve. We use a four pronged approach. Each is as important as the four legs of a table.


Holistic Approach

Guiding you on increasing awareness of your body, mind and spirit. How they are connected and how they impact your overall health. Key four pronged focus areas:

  • Balanced Nutrition
  • Quality Sleep
  • Adequate Exercise
  • Mental/Emotional Well-Being

Three month Meeting Details:

  • 7 (one-on-one phone calls of 45 minutes each  (3 calls within first month, 2 in following month and 2 within last month) 
  • Constant email support Monday – Friday, via email 
  • from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. USA Eastern Standard Time
  • All time zones around the world supported as needed. 
  • Our office is off on weekends and public holidays/there are no emergencies since we are addressing only chronic conditions.
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If you want new results, you must do new things!!!

Like all programs the effectiveness of the above plan will depend on how sincerely the guidance is implemented and practiced for the time needed.

Thyroid Health Coaching Program:

Please note that this is an online program with clients from all parts of the world. 

  • You will be provided one on one coaching for three months. We find this is the right amount of time required to see some tangible changes. 
  • Yet if your disease/condition has been present for many many years, its appears intuitively obvious that it may take some more time for the body to recover and function from its own innate intelligence.
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●We create a customized plan for you after studying your current lifestyle, health history and goals. 

●Reset your Metabolism – Wellbeing is impossible unless you know the key hormones to evaluate and treat. The secret to long lasting and sustained health is putting together all the pieces of the puzzle.

●Customized food plans are created  taking into consideration your schedule, location, allergies, health needs etc.

●Supplement recommendations are suggested based on your symptoms, health requirements and lab tests. We will guide you in using the RIGHT supplements and nutrients. Remember all supplements are not created equal. So buying very high quality reliable ones will help you achieve your health goals. We target supplements at the underlying cause of your issues.  We do not sell or supply supplements. You can buy them yourself at any online store or pharmacy if you wish. We will guide you on which specific ones will help you address your nutrient deficiencies.

â—ŹSupplement timing /including which supplements to take first for best results and how to shape your supplement regimen over time to achieve optimum health.

●Weekly detox days are shared as required to help support your body’s repair mechanisms, thus ensuring consistent improvement in health.

●Our coaching will work on the four keys of good health – nutrition that is geared to provide your body optimum health, wholesome sleep, appropriate exercise and emotional well being.

●We will share our advanced approach to resetting the body’s set points and improving metabolism and bringing back the thyroid normal range in female and male.

●Help heal your Metabolism – So many patients have a damaged metabolism from years of poor emotional well being/poor nutrition and years of untreated hormone imbalances. If you don’t fix your metabolism you will never lose weight and keep it off.

●Help reduce and manage your stress levels – Reducing and managing stress is essential to reducing weight and improving your health and energy.

â—ŹOnce the program ends, we will share a one time document on how to continue on your own.