Initial to Later Stages of Cancer Coaching Program


Now scientific studies agree that 90% of all cancers can be eliminated through environmental and lifestyle choices alone. Therefore, in this program we focus solely on natural methods of changing diet, lifestyle mindset, sleep and supporting the body and gut through various natural therapies with adding nutritional supplements where necessary to cover deficiencies if found from your own lab tests.



This program is designed to improve, manage and possibly reverse your condition. Since this is one of the most rapidly increasing diseases of this century, we would like to share that we have helped a Stage 4 Breast Cancer patient ( who was due for chemotherapy) plus she was also hypothyroid, reduce her tumor by 80% in 7 months. We used a four pronged approach – identifying nutritional deficiencies and fixing them, changing her diet completely, upgraded her lifestyle, worked gently on changing her mindset, and finally incorporated movement into her daily life. Her gut microbiome was changed due to the new diet and within a few months itself she gained energy and was able to go for walks, eventually doing gardening and joining Zumba classes!

  • Foods to include and foods to avoid
  • Implementing dietary changes/ providing recipes where possible
  • Importance of detoxification
  • Methods of detoxification
  • Importance of meditation
  • Other modalities to help you recover

The Key Benefits of the Program

This  Program is an  integrated holistic program which systematically investigates and addresses your body’s deficiencies, improves nutrition, reduces inflammatory levels,improves sleep patterns, improves holistic health (body/mind/spirit) from the comfort of your own home.  You need to be ready, sincere, committed and determined to do whatever is required to conquer this disease and live a happy healthy and enjoyable quality of life.

Cancer Care Program:

Please note that this is an online program with clients from all parts of the world. You will be provided one on one coaching.

â—Ź We create a customized plan for you after studying your current lifestyle, health history and goals.

â—Ź Once your body gets nutrient dense foods, inflammation is reduced, lifestyle is changed, mindset is upgraded, sleep is improved, movement is introduced, miracles can happen!

● Customized food plans are created  taking into consideration your schedule, location, allergies, health needs etc.

● Supplement recommendations are suggested based on your symptoms, health requirements and lab tests. We will guide you in using the RIGHT supplements and nutrients – some  Supplements will be a required and necessary step to a complete healing program. We target supplements only at the underlying deficiencies /cause of your health issues.  We do not sell or supply supplements. You can buy them at any pharmacy or online as needed.

● Supplement timing /including which supplements to take first for best results and how to shape your supplement regimen over time to achieve optimum health. 

● Weekly detox days are shared as required to help support your body’s repair mechanisms, thus ensuring consistent improvement in health.

â—Ź Our coaching will work on the four keys of good health : nutrition that is geared to provide your body optimum health, wholesome sleep, appropriate exercise and emotional well being.

â—Ź We will share our advanced approach to optimal health where based on your specific condition we will help your body to reset itself once the necessary nutrition is provided to it. We have achieved impressive results by focusing on this technique.

● Help heal your Metabolism – So many patients have a damaged metabolism from years of poor nutrition and years of untreated hormone imbalances or underlying inflammation.

● Help reduce and manage your stress levels – Reducing and managing stress is essential to reducing weight and improving your health and energy.

â—Ź If your disease/condition has been present for many many years, its appears intuitively obvious that it may take some more time for the body to recover and function from its own innate intelligence. We have found in our practice that 4th stage cancer patients took about 8 to 14 months to have a dramatic improvement with all traces of the tumor gone.

Initial to Later Stages of Cancer

Growing research around the world (including the thousands of clients we have treated at Thyroboost) coroborate the fact that “let food be thy medicine”. It is important to make the necessary diet changes based on your condition and we will help you decide the most appropriate food and lifestyle upgrades necessary to help your body to heal itself. Remember there is no one as unique as you in the entire world. You are one of a kind. Nature has this extraordinary ability to make a unique irreplaceable model human specimen every single time. Therefore there is no “one size” or cookie cutter formula that is right for everyone.

Three Month Meeting Details:

  • 7 (one-on-one phone calls of 45 minutes each (3 calls within first month, 2 in following month and 2 within last month) 
  • Constant email support Monday – Friday, via email 
  • from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. USA Eastern Standard Time
  • All time zones around the world supported as needed. 
  • Our office is off on weekends and public holidays/there are no emergencies since we are addressing only chronic conditions.
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This year, more than 1 million Americans and more than 10 million people worldwide are expected to be diagnosed with cancer, a disease commonly believed to be preventable. Only 5–10% of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90–95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle. The lifestyle factors include cigarette smoking, diet (fried foods, red meat), alcohol, sun exposure, environmental pollutants, infections, stress, obesity, and physical inactivity. The evidence indicates that of all cancer-related deaths, almost 25–30% are due to tobacco, as many as 30–35% are linked to diet, about 15–20% are due to infections, and the remaining percentage are due to other factors like radiation, stress, physical activity, environmental pollutants etc. Therefore, cancer prevention requires smoking cessation, increased ingestion of fruits and vegetables , moderate use of alcohol, caloric restriction, exercise, avoidance of direct exposure to sunlight, minimal meat consumption, use of whole grains etc.We present evidence that inflammation is the link between the agents/factors that cause cancer and the agents that prevent it. In addition, we provide evidence that cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes.